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肝脏细胞模型解决方案,Hepatocytes model in a dish
《04篇:天啦噜,这款人原代肝脏细胞培养基简直Amazing! Unbelievable!》
■ READY-MADE:提供即用的细胞(系),包括:
Code No. Product Size
Y00275 Cellartis® Human iPS Cell Line 7 (ChiPSC7) Kit 1 Kit
Y00285 Cellartis® Human iPS Cell Line 12 (ChiPSC12) Kit 1 Kit
Y00305 Cellartis® Human iPS Cell Line 18 (ChiPSC18) Kit 1 Kit
Y00315 Cellartis® Human iPS Cell Line 21 (ChiPSC21) Kit 1 Kit
Y00325 Cellartis® Human iPS Cell Line 22 (ChiPSC22) Kit 1 Kit
Y10040 Cellartis® Definitive Endoderm Cells (from ChiPSC18) 1 Vial
Y10133 Cellartis® Enhanced hiPS-HEP (from ChiPSC12) v2 Kit 1 Kit
Y10134 Cellartis® Enhanced hiPS-HEP (from ChiPSC18) v2 Kit 1 Kit
Y10135 Cellartis® Enhanced hiPS-HEP (from ChiPSC22) v2 Kit 1 Kit
■ DO IT YOURSELF:提供完善的分化系统,支持人iPS细胞-定型内胚层细胞-肝脏细胞逐步分化
Code No. Product Size
Y30055 Cellartis® iPS Cell to Hepatocyte Differentiation System 1 Kit
Y30035 Cellartis® Definitive Endoderm Differentiation Kit with DEF-CS Culture System 1 Kit
Y30050 Cellartis® Hepatocyte Differentiation Kit 1 Kit
Y30051 Cellartis® Hepatocyte Maintenance Medium 100 ml
■ RELATED:衍生的培养基,支持人原代肝脏细胞体外培养28天
Code No. Product Size
Y20020 Cellartis® Power Primary HEP Medium 250 ml
1. 新一代人iPS来源肝脏细胞用于代谢疾病模型研究
Next-generation human iPS cell-derived hepatocytes for metabolic disease modeling
2. 新一代人iPS来源肝脏细胞,用于长时间的药物代谢研究
Next-generation human iPS cell-derived hepatocytes for long-term drug metabolism studies
3. 简单易操作的人iPS细胞向肝脏细胞定向分化系统
A simple and complete system to generate mature hepatocytes from various iPS cell sources
4. 新型的人原代肝脏细胞培养基,用于针对低清除率药物的长时间内在清除率研究
Cellartis Power Primary HEP Medium—a breakthrough solution for long-term intrinsic clearance studies of low-clearance drugs
◆ 东海大学医学部-纸谷聪英教授
   利用人iPS细胞体外构建多囊性肝病(Polycystic liver disease)模型
纸谷聪英教授使用Cellartis iPS Cell to Hepatocyte Differentiation System(Y30055)构建肝脏疾病模型的研究成果已刊登在Stem Cell Research。
Akihide, K., Hiromi, C., Kinuyo, I., Emi, A., Kota, T., & Tatehiro, K., et al. (2018). An in vitro model of polycystic liver disease using genome-edited human inducible pluripotent stem cells. Stem Cell Research, 32, 17-24.
图:使用 Cellartis iPS Cell to Hepatocyte Differentiation System(Y30055)获得的人iPSC来源肝前体细胞(iPS-HPCs)诱导分化为胆管状Cyst结构。
(引用自文献Akihide Kamiya et al., Stem Cell Research, 2018)
1. 开始使用Cellartis iPS Cell to Hepatocyte Differentiation System(Y30055)的契机是什么?
很多研究组已经报道了多种从人iPS细胞诱导分化形成肝脏细胞的方法,我们研究组也在做相关工作。由于细胞分化不稳定,我担心使用饲养层细胞培养人iPS细胞会对肝脏分化产生影响,因此决定尝试使用Cellartis iPS细胞无饲养层培养系统Cellartis DEF-CS™ 500 Culture System(Y30010)和肝脏分化系统Cellartis iPS Cell to Hepatocyte Differentiation System(Y30055)
3. 对暂未使用该制品的用户有什么寄语?
◆ 东京医科齿科大学-柿沼晴教授
柿沼晴教授使用Cellartis iPS Cell to Hepatocyte Differentiation System(Y30055)构建肝脏疾病模型的研究成果已刊登在Journal of Hepatology。
Tsunoda, T., Kakinuma, S., Miyoshi, M., Kamiya, A., Kaneko, S., & Sato, A., et al. (2019). Loss of fibrocystin promotes interleukin-8-dependent proliferation and ctgf production of biliary epithelium. Journal of Hepatology.
1.开始使用Cellartis iPS Cell to Hepatocyte Differentiation System(Y30055)的契机是什么?
一起进行研究的老师使用后能够进行稳定的培养,我们研究室也正好想利用无饲养层培养系统,所以开始使用了Cellartis DEF-CS™ 500 Culture System(Y30010)和肝脏分化系统Cellartis iPS Cell to Hepatocyte Differentiation System(Y30055)
3. 对暂未使用该制品的用户有什么寄语?