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抗体Neural Progenitor Cell Antibodies
品牌 Code No. 产品名称 包装量 价格(元) 说明书 数量
Takara M195 Anti-Mouse Otp, Polyclonal(库存销售完毕即终卖) 0.2 mg ¥3,341
Takara M228 Anti-Mouse Rx, Polyclonal(库存销售完毕即终卖) 0.2 mg ¥3,341
Takara M229 Anti-Human/Mouse Rx, Polyclonal (Guinea Pig)(库存销售完毕即终卖) 0.2 mg ¥3,341
Takara M230 Anti-Mouse Irx3, Polyclonal(库存销售完毕即终卖) 0.2 mg ¥3,373
Antibodies to Neural Progenitor Cells: Bf1, Crx, Emx1, Irx3,
L7/Pcp2, Otp, Otx2 and Rx

神经前体细胞(Neural progenitor cells)表达特异性的蛋白标志物,因此,这些标志物的抗体被应用于干细胞分化过程的研究,比如胚胎发育和器官发育。在再生医学研究中,这些抗体被用做干细胞神经分化的标记物。在免疫组织化学中,这些抗体用于组织辨别和Western blotting。
Antibody to Cell type detected Antigen Species Specificity Code No.
Irx3 Neural plate progenitor cells involved in caudal nerve development KLH-conjugated peptide from the C-terminal region of mouse Irx3 Mouse Mouse Irx3 M230
Otp Hindbrain and hypothalamic neurons during embryonic development KLH-conjugated peptide from the C-terminal region of mouse Otp Mouse C-terminal region of mouse Otp M195
Rx Retinal progenitor cells KLH-conjugated peptide fragments of Rx Mouse Mouse Rx M228
Human & mouse Rx M229
■ 产品应用
· Immunohistochemical staining on fixed tissue
· Western blotting under reducing conditions (Cat. # M196, M228, M229, M230, M231)
Immunohistochemical Staining with Polyclonal Antibody to Mouse Otx2 (Cat. No. M198) and DAPI. Tissue: Embryonic mouse, day 10 (E10), forebrain to midbrain. Fixation: 4% paraformaldehyde, 6 h. Permeabilization: 0.3% Triton X-100 in PBS. Blocking: 2% skim milk in PBS. Blue, DAPI stain; red, anti-Otx2 antibody.

页面更新:2024-06-13 13:07:59