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胰腺β细胞Human Stem Cell Derived Beta Cells
品牌 Code No. 产品名称 包装量 价格(元) 说明书 数量
Cellartis Y10100 Cellartis® hiPS Beta Cells (from ChiPSC12) Kit(本品仅限北京地区销售) 1 Kit 询价
Cellartis Y10106 Cellartis® hiPS Beta Cells (from ChiPSC22) Kit(本品仅限北京地区销售) 1 Kit ¥25,928
(Pancreatic Beta Cells Derived from Human Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells)
Cellartis® hiPS Beta Cells Kit是由hiPS诱导而来的、通过体外标准化的模拟胚胎发育获得的β细胞。这些细胞分泌大量的胰岛素和C-肽,并且大量表达胰岛素/C-肽、 MAFA、NKX6.1、PDX1、UCN3等蛋白质。完整的试剂盒可以作为理想的实验工具,应用于研究β细胞功能、糖尿病/疾病模型构建、以及胰岛素分泌和调节的化合物筛选。
Cellartis®β细胞是由我们的人iPS细胞系(ChiPSC12;ChiPSC22)分化而来,制备成单细胞悬液,冻存在管中。该试剂盒含有β细胞,包被涂层,基础培养基,以及补充剂。目前提供两种试剂盒供选择,每个试剂盒中的β细胞都来自健康人供体,其中Cellartis hiPS Beta Cells (from ChiPSC22) Kit(Code No. Y10106)的供体细胞是对糖尿病易感的HLA(human leukocyte antigen人类白细胞抗原)类型,HLA-A*02:01。
■ 产品特点
· Beta cells from ChiPSC12 and ChiPSC22 originate from healthy human donors
· Beta cells from ChiPSC22 originate from a donor with a diabetes-susceptible HLA type, HLA-A*02:01 (Marron et al. 2002)
· Beta cells from ChiPSC22 can be used alone or in combination with beta cells from ChiPSC12, which have an alternate HLA type
· Cells show protein expression of insulin/C-peptide, MAFA, NKX6-1, PDX1, and UCN3
· Cells demonstrate insulin and C-peptide secretion
· Cells were derived with a protocol that mimics embryonic development
· Cells provide reproducible and biologically relevant data
■ 更多信息
Donor information
The tissues used for the reprogramming of somatic cells into hiPSCs are from donors who have signed informed consent which outlines in detail the purpose of the donation and the procedure for processing of the donated tissue. In order to protect the privacy and the confidentiality of the donors, all identifiers associated with the donors have been removed. The donor consent was obtained for commercial use. The donation did not result in any financial gain for the donors.
· ChiPSC12 was sourced from skin fibroblasts from a healthy 24-year-old European/North African male volunteer (77 kg/177 cm).
· ChiPSC22 was sourced from skin fibroblasts from a healthy 32-year-old European/North African male volunteer (74 kg/179 cm) with a diabetes-susceptible HLA type, HLA-A*02:01.
HLA typification data for each line is shown below.
■ 产品应用
· Disease modeling for diabetes
· Compound screening for insulin secretion and regulation
· Beta-cell functionality
· GSIS (glucose-stimulated insulin secretion) analysis
· Incretin response studies
· Autoimmune beta-cell destruction
· Pancreatitis and beta-cell function
· Transdifferentiation
■ 产品组成
· 1 vial (4.8 x 106 viable cells) of Cellartis hiPS Beta Cells (from ChiPSC12) or ChiPSC22
· 11 vials (360 μl/vial) of Cellartis Beta Cell Supplement
· 1 tube (4 ml) of Cellartis Beta Cell Coating
· 1 bottle (160 ml) of Cellartis Beta Cell Basal Medium
· 1 bottle (30 ml) of Cellartis Beta Cell Basal Medium 2
[Cellartis hiPS Beta Cells (from ChiPSC12) 的胰岛素和 C-肽免疫荧光染色]
解冻后两周的β细胞进行成熟标志胰岛素(A图) 和 C-肽 (B图)免疫荧光染色。合并数据显示了胰岛素和 C-肽共表达细胞 (C图)。细胞核使用DAPI 染色(D图)。
  (图片来源于Takara Bio USA, Inc.)
■ 技术资料
Cellartis human iPS cell-derived beta cells for diabetes drug discovery and disease modeling
Studying diabetes and metabolic disorders using hiPSC-derived beta cells.
■ 参考文献
Marron, M. et al. Functional evidence for the mediation of diabetogenic T cell responses by HLA-A2.1 MHC class I molecules through transgenic expression in NOD mice. Proc Nat Acad Sci U. S. A. 99, 13753–8 (2002).
■ 产品详情请点击:

页面更新:2024-02-29 10:53:42